Take a Peek Behind the Scenes, and into The Process

This semester, students were able to start each day of Playlabs with time for self-reflection, story building, and character development for their group’s final showcase in their very own Artist’s Craft Books. Students would often express situations and feelings from their own day since Playlabs take place right after a long day of school where they don’t often have time to decompress and process their emotions. Playlabs create safe environments that foster confidence in self-expression and self regulation while sharing ideas and encouraging teamwork to create a unique performance that all students are proud to share with audiences of all ages.

One trend that we saw with students this semester was that early pages of many student’s books depicted themself alone with individual goals and sometimes even negative or passive self representations… but at the end of their craft books we saw more depictions of social situations where individuals worked together for common goals.

We hope you find inspiration and joy in these Artist’s Craft Book excerpts from our some of our Elementary students this Fall ’23.


Talkin’ Broadway: Fiddler On The Roof (Jan 21, 2024) Study Guide.


Playlabs Fall ‘23 Tour Highlights